Recent Publications




  • Anderson, Elijah and Jamie J. Fader (2008) “Urban Underclass,” in Vincent N. Parrillo (ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Problems, pp.986-88. Sage Publications.
  • Anderson, Elijah (2006). “Inadequate Responses, Limited Expectations,” in Eugenie L. Birch and Susan M. Wachter (eds.) Rebuilding Urban Places After Disaster: Lessons From Hurricane Katrina, pp. 193-200. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Anderson, Elijah and Faye Allard (2004). “Ethnography,” in Kimberly Kempf-Leonard (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. Academic Press.
  • Anderson, Elijah (2001). “Urban Ethnography,” in N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes (eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 16004-08. Elsevier, Inc.